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Startup Founders in Kenya having a hard time fighting BIG TECH when it comes to resources

  • February 28, 2022
  • 4 min read
Startup Founders in Kenya having a hard time fighting BIG TECH when it comes to resources

Back in 2016   Jean-Claude Homawoo, stated a joy and  pain of the big tech talent war, Seven years later, Microsoft opened a center in Nairobi, creating  an open market for developers and alot of tech solution providers, although Fighting a  company that has been established for a avery long time and the market valuation is high is tough, the society is also fighting remote jobs, Alot of talents escaping inhouse and vouching fo remote jobs.

” But not long after Microsoft entered the Kenyan market, local start-ups felt the pinch of its presence. The tech heavyweight began an aggressive hiring spree, aiming to fill 500 software engineering roles at the ADC’s two hubs by 2023. Smaller companies in the area, such as Lori, Cellulant, Twiga Foods and others, who had invested in and trained young engineers, were swiftly outbid. ”

In 2022,  the Kenyan startup scene is not that widley active compared to few years ago, with many stating factors that Include raising funds difficultings and others big talent war, with developers heading over for lucrating chums leaving startup to perish and fall. However the war is not only being waged on Startups but also on big nanmes i.e Safaricom.

With many people asking whether the law does allow such acts, is it really a poser of threat ? Many African companies have the habit of employing lots of interns and creating  aculture of underpayments with a high turnover of productivity, such Internal factors are contributing to such after all we are tring to earn a living so do the startups in the Ecosystem.

However, Despite the wage wars Microsoft as the major accuser, aims to support the development of these required skills, by partnering with local universities to create a modern intelligent edge and cloud curriculum, unique to Africa. The company says graduates from top Kenyan engineering universities will have access to the ADC to build relevant and meaningful careers in data science, AI, mixed reality, application development and more.

Although with the entry of Such companies into our ecosystem, and the happenings , many will rant on idea pooling rather than focus on the bigger picture, yes growth is essential in all aspects of life, Startup founder need to not focus on what is going but reshape their vision, such companies enter the market and offer alot of oppotunities, with many fearing of having  to loose their statups many gain in collaboration, in all these senses the Ecosystem gains as a whole .

As many always have to fight what is in existense many such as Market Force fight their way up through proving that we dont need white co founder to get funding and also we can win with whats Local, Take into consideration the erupt of Flutterwave 3.0 .

There’s no doubt that the times are changing; those who are quicker to recognize and adapt to this new reality will be the ones to come out on top.

About Author

Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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