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Meet the 10 Africa Netpreneur Prize finalists

  • October 16, 2019
  • 7 min read
Meet the 10 Africa Netpreneur Prize finalists

The Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative (ANPI) recognizes the top 10 finalists for its final event in Accra, Ghana on 16 November 2019.

The finalists were chosen from a pool of 10,000 candidates from 50 African nations. The 10 will pitch their business to the eCommerce business mogul, founder of Alibaba Group and the Jack Ma Foundation, Mr. Strive Masiyiwa founder and Executive Chairman of Econet Group, Ibukun Awosika, Chairman of First Bank of Nigeria and Founder/CEO of The Chair Center Group; and Joe Tsai, Executive Vice Chairman of Alibaba Group.

The victors will get a portion of the $1 million USD award prize pool.

“We propelled the Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative to distinguish top business visionaries from over the mainland, not exclusively to compensate them yet to rouse a totally different age of potential gamechangers for Africa. I have been propelled by the business visionaries I met in Africa, huge numbers of whom are managing similar difficulties we confronted when we began Alibaba years back. I really accept the capability of Africa’s business legends is boundless,” said Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba Group and the Jack Ma Foundation.

The Jack Ma Foundation will host an Africa Netpreneur Summit where African and worldwide business visionaries, investors, education institutions and industry pioneers will assemble to discuss how best to empower and foster entrepreneurship and a computerized economy over the African continent. Speakers at the meeting are Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary General and Co-seat of the Ban Ki-moon Center for Global Citizens. The conference will be crowned by the “Africa’s Business Heroes” occasion at night.

“Africa’s Business Heroes” will air on November 29. More subtleties of how to check out the program will be discharged in the coming weeks. Features from the Africa Netpreneur Summit will likewise be shared via ANPI web-based social networking handles. Track with on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The assorted gathering of 10 finalists speak to a scope of enterprises and experience.

Here are the Finalists

 Africa Netpreneur Prize Finalists

Meet the final 10 Africa Netpreneur Prize Finalists

Ayodeji Arikawe, prime supporter, Thrive Agric (Nigeria)

Thrive Agric is an agrarian innovation empowered organization that works with smallholder ranchers to empower them with more noteworthy access to fund, just as improve their pay and reap circulation. Today, Thrive Agric works with 22,000 ranchers in Nigeria, yet the organization is intending to fabricate the biggest system of ranchers in Africa. They are set for “assemble an Africa that feeds the world and Itself.” Ayodeji is a cultivated programming architect and fills in as both prime supporter and CTO for Thrive Agric.

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Christelle Kwizera, organizer, Water Access (Rwanda)

Water Access Rwanda spearheaded INUMA™️, a Safe Water Microgrid that recovers broken boreholes and changes them into cutting edge sunlight based controlled water stands and pipelines. The water is sold for $1/1000 liter and makes off-ranch employments for youth. At present, Water Access Rwanda utilizes 68 individuals, and enables 47,612 clients to access water day by day crosswise over 86 stations. Christelle is a mechanical designer and was named INCO’s lady business visionary of the year in 2019, among other prominent honors.

Chibuzo Opara, fellow benefactor, DrugStoc (Nigeria)

DrugStoc is a cloud-based pharmaceutical IT and coordinations stage concentrated on taking out fake medications, growing access to pharmaceutical items and improving straightforwardness in estimating for social insurance suppliers and the item production network. Chibuzo is a wellbeing market analyst and restorative specialist with more than 12 years of involvement in the wellbeing division. He has worked with the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and the International Finance Corporation.

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Dr. Tosan J. Mogbeyiteren, originator, Black Swan (Nigeria)

WeMUNIZE by Black Swan Tech Ltd is illuminating Nigeria’s general wellbeing challenges by conveying a mechanized booking, GPS-empowered programming as-an administration that uses a blend of advanced record keeping and network commitment to expand birth enrollment and early youth vaccinations. Dark Swan is working with USAID Nigeria to grow WeMUNIZE inclusion in northern Nigeria. Tosan is a general wellbeing pro with over 13 years of involvement in sending innovation to comprehend improvement challenges in Nigeria.

Dr. Omar Sakr, originator and CEO, Nawah-Scientific (Egypt)

Nawah-Scientific is the principal private research focus in the MENA area concentrated on characteristic and biomedical sciences that offers diagnostic and logical administrations on the web and on-request. Dr. Sakr has 13 years of pharmaceutical experience, has filled in as a subordinate right hand educator of enterprise at Zewail City of Science and Technology, and holds logical and business grants for imaginative item structure.

Temie Giwa-Tubosun, originator and CEO, LifeBank (Nigeria)

LifeBank is a therapeutic dissemination organization that utilizations information and innovation to help wellbeing laborers find basic medicinal items. The organization has spared more than 5,300 lives in Nigeria. Organizer Temie has more than 10 years of wellbeing the executives involvement with Department for International Development, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program and Lagos State. In 2014, BBC recorded her as one of the 100 ladies changing the world. She was additionally perceived by Quartz and the World Economic Forum.

Mahmud Johnson, author and CEO, J-Palm (Liberia)

J-Palm Liberia (JPL) was established with the objective of making premium shopper merchandise while making pay winning and work openings through economical palm-oil generation. When JPL was first established, palm oil portions had been going to squander in Liberia, however author and CEO Mahmud Johnson figured out how to improve gainful uses for this ignored normal asset. Today, JPL has made a scope of magnificence and clean-vitality items, fabricated a powerful system of associations the nation over, and made occupations for many Liberians. Mahmud holds a degree in financial matters from Dartmouth College and is a 2017 beneficiary of the Order of the Star of Africa gave by the President of Liberia.

Moulaye Taboure, prime supporter and CEO, Afrikrea (Cote D’Ivoire) is the main “Made of Africa” design, workmanship and handiwork online commercial center. The commercial center has prepared more than $4 million in deals crosswise over 101 nations and supports vendors from everywhere throughout the world. In the wake of experiencing childhood in Mali and working for organizations like PricewaterhouseCoopers and Alstom, Moulaye now commits his opportunity to building the worldwide framework for African culture.

Kevine Kagirimpundu, prime supporter and CEO, UZURI K&Y (Rwanda)

UZURI K&Y is an African-enlivened ecofriendly shoe brand built up in Rwanda. Kevine is the fellow benefactor and CEO of UZURI K&Y, and she is energetic about completion worldwide waste while additionally utilizing her innovativeness to make business open doors for her locale. UZURI has had an immediate effect on in excess of 750 individuals through work and abilities preparing. Notwithstanding getting her degree in innovative plan, she has taken an interest in various enterprise projects to upgrade her abilities in business improvement. In 2017, she was perceived as the champ of the Made in Rwanda Enterprise of the Year.

Waleed Abd El Rahman, CEO, Mumm (Egypt)

Mumm is a virtual cafeteria for organizations, outfitting the intensity of shared economy through innovation, cloud kitchens and an online commercial center for locally situated enterprising cooks. Waleed is a business visionary with 12+ years in nourishment tech. He is a founding member of the MIT Technology Review-Middle East and an individual from the Advisory Committee of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community.

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Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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