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Epesi Cloud Platform is out here to Unifying your Business

  • July 8, 2019
  • 9 min read
Epesi Cloud Platform is out here to Unifying your Business

In this era everything is going cloud, reducing your paper work and space usage, making us work at the comfort of our homes and remote places, managing business and handling eras with ease and speed.  A Kenyan Startup ScopicAfrica is changing the dynamics by introducing it’s megabot cloud solutions dubbed Epesi Cloud.

Epesi Cloud platform has the following products :

  1. Epesi Workflow
  2. Epesi To-do
  3. Epesi Salesify
  4. Epesi Realty
  5. Epesi Legal
  6. Epesi Elimu

Making it  important for businesses to not  rewrite their applications to the cloud.  one of then largest problem Epesi Cloud is trying to solve is the challenges faced by enterprises when they consider migrating their traditional in-house applications to the cloud infrastructure in order to get benefits such as:

  • Less cost/affordability. This is because the company doesn’t have to buy physical server machines and hire technical personnel.
  • 24/7 availability. Data and application state in servers cannot be lost even when machines are down.
  • Information and data is held in confidence because client’s data is private and confidential.
  • Easily manageable.
  • Increased efficiency in operations management.

Epesi workflow.

Epesi Workflow is designed to streamline business processes and tasks for great efficiency in your organization. It automates repetitive processes and keeps up with your sequence of operations in the organization for productivity. For example, consider what’s involved in hiring new employees to join your company. Hiring a job candidate requires a number of pieces of information, such as the candidate’s name and CV, and details of the job vacancy. Here is where Epesi Workflow comes in:

Some tasks will gather additional information during the hiring process: who performed interviews and when, their individual evaluations, practicalities such as the candidate’s availability date, and the final decision to hire the candidate or not.


  • Epesi Workflow streamlines and speeds up your internal processes by reducing manual entry and request handling.
  • Reduced errors. This system reduces the risk of improperly approved requests minimizing on errors and employees re-working again.
  • Epesi Workflow makes processes run smoothly and fast without too much paperwork.
  • This system helps your organization to assign tasks to the employee with the qualified and proven capabilities.

Get to Learn more about Epesi Workflow Here


Epesi To-do App.

Epesi To-do app is one of the best task management tools created for individual and teams. With its simple user-friendly features you can create tasks and subtasks and schedule them as recurring tasks. Through checklists, you can list down the things to be done. Moreover, you can create projects and associate multiple tasks under it. You can organize, prioritize tasks and monitor task status.


  • It helps you to save time with powerful search and filter options. You can search for tasks, projects, meetings and do lots more. In addition, there are pre-saved filters to save time and effort on end-users’ part.
  • This app also helps you stay in sync with updates and keeps you and your team on track through reminders and alerts.
  • Helps you create, assign, organize, prioritize and share tasks and projects.
  • Gives alerts, notifications and reminders to keep teams on track.
  • Has Two-Factor Authentication for extensive security.
  • Team specific workspaces that can be managed and monitored simultaneously.
  • It has a time tracking module with ability to create and manage team’s specific sections for employee task efforts and payroll.
  • Tracks issues and risks by assigning a risk owner in order to track risk management.


  • Comprehensive task management solution.
  • Timesheets management for time tracking.
  • Extensive meeting management module.
  • Free version available.



Epesi Salesify

Talking of running a franchise unit in different locations being a hard task if you have no loyal persons, but even if you have, tracking everything is quite a hustle , Epesi  Salesify a platform that enables users track their sales leads made by the sales person/executive and agents either per day, week, month, quarterly, semiannually or annually, is here to your rescue.


  • Enables you view your leads. From one screen, everything about your lead: conversations, activities, appointments, and more.
  • Enables you to send personalized bulk emails; make follow-up calls and schedule tasks and appointments from within the CRM.
  • Automates the leads acquired from your Social Media Platforms, Website &  App
  • Save times and resources by automatically assigning leads to the right salesperson by territory.
  • Helps you to easily make reservations & sales from the system.
  • Monitors all the processes and sales stages in real time.

Get to Learn more about Epesi salesify Here


Epesi Realty

Real Estate is becoming a huge deal in the modern society , with different developments occuring in different parts of the World, and with all this you will need someone or some tool to manage .

Thats why Epesi Realty a real estate management system that manages the real estate cycle is coming to your help by helping you inquire form the time the customershows interest to the time they  buy the property or rents the house. Realty clientele is mostly B2B (Business 2 Business).


  • It is easy to use, update and maintain.
  • Records date to meet again.
  • Has reservation date and when to cancel reservation
  • Shows the house unit the client is interested in.
  • Shows feedback given by the buying client.
  • Records and manages payment details.
  • Has a section for listings/inventory where you add apartments and assign.
  • Automatically generate leads
  • Manages contacts and personal schedules.
  • Tracks leads
  • Shows when an offer is made but doesn’t show commission to be.

Get to Learn more about Epesi Realty Here


Epesi Legal

This is the next-generation legal application service that puts powerful legal searching, sorting of files, and data visualization tools at your fingertips. It also has a Web application that can be used on a desktop computer, both online and offline.

Say good bye to paper-tracking or manual tracking of your firm’s activities including manual bring ups, case filing, setting hearing dates, judgment filings and payments recording. This solution that automates these issues; by offering more dependable processing of your legal firm activities.


  • Manages your cases on-the-go. Keeps up-to-date with critical changes to your caseload. Be productive anywhere: create tasks, events, client messages, and time entries and access files, calendars, and contacts with the App.

·        Gives an end to the tedious billing systems. From tracking time to collecting payments Epesi Legal simplifies an otherwise complicated process with comprehensive end-to-end billing.

  • Starts your day at a glance. No more missing of your appointments—get real-time notifications about important meetings, document uploads, upcoming events, tasks, and new client messages. Carries your files in your pocket


  1. Makes tracking your payments easier. Shows amounts collected per advocate and shows balances that are owed to the firm.
  2. Adds multiple advocates and manages them. Epesi Legal enables you as the manager of the firm to be able to track performance of each advocate.
  3. Managing ongoing matters. E.g. Adding new clients and their cases. Records details of the plaintiff and defendants.
  4. Lets you record:- Your hearing applications and hearings of the main case and the various judgements that are of cases that affect the firm.

Get to Learn more about Epesi Legal  Here

Epesi Elimu

This is a solution that automates paper-tracking or manual tracking of school’s activities including manual student admission, manual fees management, manual teacher management and exams management. This solution automates these issues to offer more dependable school activities.


  • Manage financial aspects of your school
  • Add multiple school categories and manage them.
  • Set organizational goals, targets and tracks them
  • Manage courses of the school/college.

With core modules that are very essential to institutions , With Each core distinctly fit with unique features to ease the access and data entry, this saving from paper work and robust man work :

  • Students Module

Students Module is matched up with filling of the stuendnts important data from ther picture, name index, guradianas details, to whather the school is sponsoring them or they are self funded. The module goes all along even in handling the student transfer cases this easing handing over of data from one school to another without the obligation of filling the data a new .

  • Fees Module

Fee Module helps the organisation be able to account for any amount whether balances carried forward, fee payment plans setting a suitable plan for the students and per student, this is to enable payment on time to avoid arrears and late payments.

  • Teachers Module

The Module enrols teachers , per class, subject specialty being one of the greatest parts, this really helps the school to not have a cluster of subject teachers. The module also records personal details for the teachers

  • Courses Module

This us one wide module that relates the course, the teachers, the classes all in one place, the courses are splitted per classes in upper , pre school and lower in case its the primary section, allocating a teacher per the courses stated and the class. It also sets the academic terms and years, giving the teachers an easy work in setting exams, timetables and curricular activities.

  • SMS Messaging System and News Management

This is one of  the best modules in the system, Creating a lert messages to the parents and users of whether the school and the organisation has plans, events and the school calender days, reducing the paper work  and random letters each and every time, saving time and faster, robust and dynamic way of passing information to parents.

Get to Learn more about Epesi Elimu Here

With more than 500 users , Epesi Cloud is well fitted with a onetime setup fee and a monthly subscription fee for each of the products preferred with your interest, The subcsription is to be paid on a monthy basis for mantainance of the system.

Epesi cloud is looking towards the future and expansion of its Service :

” we want Epesi Cloud to be the biggest vendor of industry tailored  cloud systems in Africa. Our products are tried and tested and our customers find them effective and efficient. ” Said Epesi Team

Fo any one looking into one of the products can contact or reach out  through +254 757 560 600 or email

About Author

Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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