INCUBATE AFRICA | Crunching the African Technology space
January 23, 2025
Innovation Startups

we need version 2.0 African Gaming startups

  • January 23, 2017
  • 4 min read
we need version 2.0  African Gaming startups

Sometimes I sit down and become a ( Technological Racist ) and critic not because of my own will but I’d love us to come up with our own Ideas and Innovations. I can sit for hours playing game or using a certain gadget, a few hours after being absorbed, I find a glitch in the game or I realize no this could be done better!! the funny or absurd thing is I will criticize and not do something not because I cant but I just feel no let me see if someone will realize this and fix. I am a jealous person when all the games and innovation are from the west then we Africans just have to sit and study then develop after them. Should they be the ones to come up with all this? I do love Technology with my whole universe, but I think everyone should try fix something, invent something and add unto something.

Africa is a hotbed when it comes to Capital that is one thing I’m sure of, like we have all the resources we need here, as mush as we don’t make headline when it comes to improvements of infrastructure and other minor issues affecting major issues, we are indeed the best and i will whole heartedly champion and support our Tech innovations .

Recently I have hard Issues in certain tech cultures  around the world, I discuss with friends come with Ideas then I realize there is a milestone on the way but still i wont stop. I’ve been checking blogs searching for games developed in Africa, yeah found a couple but wasn’t that satisfied with what i got. I am still proud we have our games be it mobile, or Desktop or web based, still that is an improvement from where we came from. In 2014 IT News Africa came up with a list of startups to watch in Gaming   and in 2013 we had Ventureburn’s  African Startups’  list of gaming startups.

Basing on this two Articles there is a big difference on the quality, quantity and usage of the games and this is within one year despite having different views on which startups are game changing the scene.  We are the new kids in the market of gaming and South Africa always finds a way of topping the charts in many things that revolve around Technology in Africa then followed by either Kenya or Nigeria.

Mid Last year a gaming hub was launched in Kenya to develop local startups, quoting Disrupt Africa:

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]The Chezo Serious Gaming Hub, backed by VIA Water, has been formed by a consortium that brings together experienced serious gaming experts from the Netherlands and Kenya. [/quotes]

This is an avid move move by the partners all round the world to fully exploit and nurture the African gaming culture from development to play.  South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya according to Wiki, are the top countries by 2016 to be involved in Video Gaming either by development or game play or support from the governments.

Every game or innovation Developed has an inspiration behind it or an Event that triggered i t. We don’t want to loose the taste of History, culture or social Interactions, That’s why games like Super Mario and Pokemon were brought back to life , The 90’s kids felt catered for if you know what I mean.

A good example of a game Kenyans really came to love is Bungoma Hangman, a game that rapidly gained download and Interest of the social community after an event where a person hanged form a helicopter during a funeral service. Now take this example, it did not take long for the game to be developed, I mean this is one avid developer, you got the skills, don’t go for the fame  make a difference team. Africa needs all of you people.   An example of a game that explains the African Cop Culture Gidi Run from Gamsole, Is one the games i really anticipate to play, its more of  the Temple run, and Subway surfers in the African Version.

Let us not think far when it comes to developing this games lets use what we have around us and  lets nurture them, pick  upgrades from the society and ideas from common man, nothing is impossible in Africa .

Featured Image Kidnapped.

About Author

Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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