Wallettec Launches in Kenya to ease mobile payments
Wallettec is a south african based technology company that focuses on mobile payment solutions and mobile payment integration. Wallettec ‘s PaaS (Payment as a Service) platform enables a retailer to accept any type of mobile transaction or currency type at their Point Of Sale. Through a single integration, retailers can enable consumers to transact at their Point Of Sale using only their mobile phones. No credit or debit cards required, no 3rd party apps. All you need is your mobile device and a bank account. Wallettec turns mobile payments into a real solution and not only a fancy way to swipe your credit or debit card. With our solution all you need is your bank account and mobile device.
“Wallettec‘s aims to enable customers in Kenya to pay at any integrated Point of Sale, E-Commerce website or any commerce platform using their mobile mobile money account,”
says Johan Meyer, founder and CEO of Wallettec adding that with Wallettec the merchant will NEVER know what payment method a customer used or any of their personal information, making it the most secure payment method around.
“We can confidently say that we have done just that. We can now offer the Kenyan market a truly unique payment acceptance product.’”
“Wallettec’s aim is not only to make the acceptance of payments easier but to solve the huge security risks surrounding payments.”