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The Eruption of CEO’s Misconduct in top startups is Wanting, What has been Happening ??

  • April 4, 2022
  • 3 min read
The Eruption of CEO’s Misconduct in top startups is Wanting, What has been Happening ??

Better the Devil you know they say,  but is that really the case  ?  Offlate Employees and Former employees of big startups have come out of the shadows and brought out how filthy and deverstating their working conditions have been,  among the list of startups named are some of the dream companies admired by many.  Few week ago Techcabal wrote a story about Ebun Okubanjo, co-founder and CEO at Bento Africa and how the man was a Tyrant, with the Hashtag #ToxicBoss, this led to a Twitter Space that lasted for 7 hours and counting still on the second day.

I mean, the frustrations of what people are going through is really saddening on the other end of finding sustainability.  Today Morning again the Airwaves have been shaken with a Top company on the mentions of the Tech community.

Flutterwave,  a Nigerian fintech company that provides a payment infrastructure for global merchants and payment service providers across the continent, is now on the mentions over Alleged  harrasfull working conditions.  Citing Clara , one of the Ex-Employees of Flutterwave “I have been constantly belittled,lied about,harassed,had my name tarnished and almost arrested because of Olugbenga Agboola the CEO of Flutterwave and I am calling time. It has been almost 5 years of constant harassment and I am over it all.”

Despite even leaving Flutterwave Clara is on the head again and now , she is tired of the front and back ” I am sick of it to be honest. It has been almost 5 years of constant bullying,trying to malign my name and just make my life more difficult. All of it stemming from me deciding to leave,ask for what is fairly mine AND ask to be compensated for Flutterwave’s negligence.”

It’s not the First time we get to see this, the other day in Kenya we Saw the Ndichu brothers whose actions led to an Investor drop. TOP Ceo’s and founders have a sense of Entitlement i swhat they have to say in people’s life who work under and for them, with a sense of I DID this on my own either you ride in or not.

However inspite of all being relationational to money , Safaricom Mpesa seems to be being dragged into these mentions of Flutterwave, will it be a probem ?

Reaching to such extents of defaming one’s family and indulging them in Terrorism, it’s a shame, anyway let us wait for what Olugbenga Agboola and Flutterwave will say.

Still Developing …..

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Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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