INCUBATE AFRICA | Crunching the African Technology space
January 22, 2025
Cyber Security Startups

The African Hacker culture needs cultivation

  • January 2, 2017
  • 5 min read
The African Hacker culture needs cultivation

I am generally a big fan of hacking be it gray hacks, white hack or black hacks: they all take me to that outer world feeling. I would take much of my day to day time researching on the the latest hacks and documentaries about different hacker groups. Viewing hacking as a crime is one thing i have never done despite the malicious ways people use to gain advantage of the world, hacking is a field that shows us the exploits in our systems ( talking from the software system , to the government systems, racial systems ) all our social life is rooted on exploits and we need these hackers to show us what we don’t know , see and blind society is what some of us are!

I am so certain sure most of us are familiar with the famous hacking societies : Anonymous, Lizard Squad and many other  that are underground and the freelance single-team hackers. All these hackers  fight for a main cause, they go beyond themselves and focus on us the not-elite in IT culture.

For the last  couple of  years we’ve seen the culture slide into the African culture with South Africa leading in the Hack culture ,  Late last year a South African hacker helped out NASA in a space crisis.

In January 2016 there was an article by anonymous about the African’s overall hope and emotion : Quoting  Amando Flavio

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]

Ignorance leads to misrepresentation of facts. Today, we are exploring the world. We want to know more about the world we live in. And our journey starts in Africa.

In Western mainstream media, Africa’s image has suffered much damage. A large percentage of the horrible stories we see in the news comes from Africa. And because people easily believe what they read, listen or watch in the media, those who have not visited Africa before, believe almost everything that the media reports.


by this statements its clearly somethings just rot from the inside ( media ),

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]However, in reality, Africa is not as bad as the media portrays. Over the years, the media has carefully selected the bad stories from Africa, making it salient in the news agenda. The media has a reason for doing this: horrible and shocking stories sell. However, we are here to correct some of these false stories about Africa.[/quotes]

and others are affected by outward force (racial factors and exploitation from the western governments and culture) .  Clearly the article has portrayed that Africa has a lot to offer despite the challenges.

OPAfrica uncovered a lot maggots eating Africa from the inside laying out statistics of different countries from economical, financial to extrajudicial and racism.

1/8/2016 – Hack on Nigerian Government exposed hundreds of billions of dollars embezzled/stolen funds from federal revenue:

December16th, 2016 – 40 Ethiopians Have Been Killed While Protesting:

January 8th, 2016 – 140 Ethiopian Protesters Were slaughtered:

Majorly in Africa we suffer from the common disease of corruption and embezzlement of money. we have the greatest scandals the world sees, we’ve have countries experiencing tyranny and going to most extreme cases governments banning encrypted mobile applications and the internet. We surely don’t know the cause  of all this but if there is help technologically let the help rise as we have seen in the past years, not in a malicious way but also to help the governments cub cyber security crimes.

We have the groups in Africa but am not so sure they are coming to the lime lite as they should in helping also educate the common person be aware of what happens in the technology world because we are the most vulnerable to attacks (Social Engineering ). Last year I came across this group of White hackers in Kenya AfricaHackon they are not only champions of white hacking but they educate us on what the internet looks like and how it can cause you trouble and also help you in succeeding.

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]Africahackon is East Africa’s premier technical computer security collective which brings together the individual talents of the best and brightest security professionals in the region, through live presentations, engaging discussions and hands on demonstrations. We are connoisseurs in a full range of defensive and offensive security topics are well versed in the theoretical aspect of cyber security and masters on the practical and tactical angle of the art.  [/quotes].

According to scidev :

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]cybercrime costs the world economy the sum of US $ 500 billion, more than the GDP of South Africa (350.6 billion dollars) and slightly less than that of Nigeria ( 521.8 billion dollars), the continent’s largest economy.[/quotes]

Nigeria being among the top hotspots in Cybercrime : The original home of low-tech scam emails remains a key player in underground cyber activity and has become a destination for international cybercrime syndicates, according to Sherry. Authorities in Nigeria and other African countries have been slow to crackdown on scammers and hackers, even as more people connect to the Internet. “It’s proving to be a very comfortable environment for cybercriminals to set up shop, operate, and carry out their illegal activities,” Sherry says. Recent efforts by President Jonathan Goodluck to legislate cybercrime in Nigeria have served to push some of the activity into other countries in the region, such as Ghana. we all have befallen the trap .

I am urging us to use our hacking skills for the development of our African economy and well being.  Let this Cybercrime schools help us secure Africa’s Information and how we are being portrayed out there .. Let us fight as a union, help the common man know the importance of Cyber education.



About Author

Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture


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