INCUBATE AFRICA | Crunching the African Technology space
January 23, 2025

The social media startups

  • January 15, 2017
  • 4 min read
The social media startups

The Other day just having fun with a couple of my friends, we struck a conversation about controversy and social media effects upon Individuals that struck a point on my mind about startups, what of the startups which are unable raise capital and hire a marketing team? reach out their platform to the outer world? well then social media is a good platform  . I believe the best startup capital is social Media, this is a tool capable  of destruction and construction of business or even an Individual. This is a tool so seductive to the human race, it has become the other better half, the daily companion in times of comfort, business research, growth, politics, laughter , and even trolls.

I am basically a strong fanatic of social media for most of the reasons mentioned above, Social media has kept me up to date. Basically my HR skills lie on a low percentage bar so as many developers out here. We come up with solutions and Platforms very good to our own eyes, a couple of friends and family. Now the problem comes when we are supposed to advert the product, Being a Techy Introvert that’s quite hard to deal with, marketing involves going out, meeting people, talking to people and socializing and this are major weaknesses of Introverts, So what do we do? some let the solution stay on the ( LOCALHOST)  while others just decide to outgo themselves in a peculiar way,

  • Launch the product online.
  • Create  Social Media pages for interaction
  • Know the feedback response  from those that will interact with the platform.

Well clearly this has saved the Introverted  Entrepreneurs from facing their fears, but its good at times to go out of your own way face your fears and know what beholds, Everything good is out of the comfort zone. So why do startups seem to have such a distinct advantage in the social media marketing realm? The answer revolves partially around the fact that social users love what’s new — and startups are new by default and social media serves as a perfect “runway” on which to build a reputation.

Let’s learn from the Facebook curve of growth, despite it being the basic social connector of people, it also uses the social media for growth how funny, but that is the funny truth. As you can see the number of Adults on social Media is at a high percentage, and all this adults are out here for a purpose: Angel invest, find job opportunities, support unknown businesses, connect  and share ideas.

According to BrandWatch  in 2016 the :

Social media business statistics


Our African Penetration to to the internet by June 2016 was at 28.7% making an assumption of probably half the percentage are adults.

The Entrepreneur’s startups that used social Media as a basic capital for their growth is impressive you can check out the list HERE.

Consider doing the following for your startup let your self stay behind and focus on the platform and consumer relation this 2017 and see how you will fair up :

  • Show off what you’ve got.
  • Engage with your users.
  • Be consistent.
  • Know your audience.
  • Build anticipation.
About Author

Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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