INCUBATE AFRICA | Crunching the African Technology space
February 15, 2025
Funding and Acquisitions Startups

Nigeria’s startup Touchabl raises US $20,000 funding from Hubly

  • May 14, 2018
  • 1 min read
Nigeria’s startup Touchabl raises US $20,000 funding from Hubly

Nigeria’s Shazam for picture’s Touchbl, has secured seed funding of US$ 20,000 for product development and aggressive marketing.

“Since launching in public beta, we have collected some interesting feedback and have significantly modified our technology and value proposition. We will build upon our technology using this feedback” he said.

The funding comes from Hubly (formerly Genesys Tech Hub), through their Genesys Start zone program, an “incubator for promising startups that provides them with the necessary support to grow and thrive in a competitive world”. Hubly will also provide the Touchabl team with training, mentorship and critical personal feedback to position them into becoming a hugely successful business. This will last for a 6- month period and is actually a condition for funding.

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Incubate Africa

Incubate Africa, founded on June 5, 2016, is a Tech company based and Founded in Africa with the main focus of showcasing African developed technology to the rest of the world. We strongly believe in what Africa has to offer the world. #Revolutionizing the startup culture

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