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CcHUB launches DIGnified a digital literacy programme for the older folks

There is no limit in Education and nothing is for the young only, The older generation also need to fitted in the gap, the digital gap to be specific,   Our African parents mostly say “ah ah technology is killing our young generation” what if we teach them to embrace what we have ?, what technology has to offer ? Will they be able to see the positive side of this #digitalGenaration.

An initiative by Co-creation Hub Nigeria seems to have this sorted out after launching a digital programme for the older generation.

DIGnified a four weeks programme’s main aim  is to provide some of our Papas and Mamas with the skills and know-how on the  relevance of Digital-literacy to this  age.

The programme consists of a series of courses, starting from the basics to advanced concepts, and participants will be exposed to an immersive, hands-on curriculum.

Participants can be enrolled for a series of courses each quarter, learning to use today’s tech tools at their own pace. Sessions will hold thrice a week, for 4 weeks straight in Lagos and Abuja.

Only 10 people will be selected to participate at no cost to charge  for this first edition of the programme.

Interested Applicants can register here.

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